I honestly made this as a Christmas present for my cousins so that we can play it while we waited for the new year to begin but it didn’t come on time. I posted it on Tik Tok and Instagram literally 2 days ago on Jan 7th and I got an OUTPOUR of people wanting this game.
So I made this Kickstarter to help develop these games for anyone that wants them and gives me a chance to also develop and create the extension pack idea I had when I originally had the idea but ran out of time but because I was new to Kickstarter I set the goal for $27,500 and I only reached $5,000. It was disheartening but people still wanted to buy the game so I made a web shop so people can buy the game.
You can get your own copy of the game at the 2020 Board Game Web Shop.
February 17, 2021